
This habit will kill your kidney

Kidneys are considered to be one of the most important organs in the human body. They are an effective, sophisticated and amazing purification mechanism that work 24 hours to make sure you are fine. Having healthy kidneys are essential for our overall well-being. Therefore, it is very important to keep them in shape, and make sure their condition does not deteriorate over time.
In order to prevent problems, you need to have a better understanding of various habits that could harm your kidneys. Unfortunately there are many that lots of us have without even being aware. This eventually leads to the poor functioning of kidneys and cause various health problems.
In this article we discuss 6 habits that damage your kidneys. Make sure to review them carefully and if it happens that you have one of them, try your best to get rid of it to keep these two tiny hard-working organs of yours healthy.
1. Delaying going to a toilet
Holding your urine in the bladder is considered to be a very bad idea. According to healthcare experts, a full bladder can cause unnecessary damage to your kidneys. When you hold urine in the bladder, it multiplies bacteria quickly. Once urine refluxes back to the kidneys and ureter, toxic substances lead to different kinds of kidney infections, urinary infections, uremia and nephritis. When you need to relieve yourself, you should not hold yourself back.
Almost every person has done this once. A person may hold back his urge to go to the bathroom because of various factors. It may be inaccessibility to a bathroom or being busy with work. However, there is a limit to how long you should hold back the urine in your bladder.
Besides health problems, when there is excess of urine in the bladder, you may experience a wide range of complications related to the the urinary tract. One major problem is hypertrophies. In this condition, there is an increase in the amount of pressure placed on your kidneys. In addition to this, you may come across other health problems. Thus, you should never ignore a call of nature.
2. Eating too much salt
According to healthcare experts, you should not eat excess salt. Anything more than 5.8 grams on a daily basis is considered excess. Salt is the primary source of sodium. Most people wonder why salt or sodium is harmful.
The main reason is that sodium makes your kidneys work harder. When there is excess sodium in the bloodstream, your body needs to excrete it. This causes stress on the kidneys and leads to a wide range of health problems. Thus, it is recommended to eliminate or reduce salt from the meals.
3. Eating too much meat
A lot of protein in the diet is also considered to be harmful for the kidneys. Protein digestion can produce ammonia, which is a dangerous toxin. It can be destructive to the kidneys. When you consume more meat, your chances of damaging the kidneys increase significantly.
It is worth mentioning that animal protein is also harmful to the kidneys. In fact, other foods high in fat content are also considered to be dangerous. When you consume a lot of animal fat, your kidneys are unable to function properly. Excess animal fat prevents your kidneys from filtering the blood. You should try to limit your intake of animal protein or substitute it with vegetable proteins.
4. Carbonated Beverages
All kinds of carbonated beverages are considered to be harmful for your overall health. These days, a lot of people consume carbonated drinks. This has been leading to a wide range of kidney related health problems. According to healthcare experts, it is recommended to avoid carbonated beverages or limit their intake in your diet. In the long run, these beverages lead to kidney stones or chronic problems.
In fact, carbonated beverages, such as soft drinks, also contain other harmful substances that deteriorate your overall health. These substances cause problems in the liver, pancreas and even overall immunity of the body.
Not drinking enough water
It is important to understand that your kidneys should always be hydrated properly. In order to perform well, you need to make sure your kidneys remain in good condition. When you don’t drink enough water, toxins may be accumulated in the blood. Since there won’t be enough fluid to drain toxins through kidneys, it may cause problems in the urinary tract.
According to medical professionals, you should drink more than 8 glasses of water per day. It’s quite easy to check if your water intake is appropriate. You should check the color of the urine while relieving yourself. It’s better if the color is lighter.
A lot of people already understand the importance of appropriate water intake. However, they still overlook it and don’t drink enough water. In the long run, lack of water in your body can cause a wide range of kidney related health problems. The primary function of kidneys is to drain unwanted metabolic waste from the body. This balances the number of RBCs in the body. If you don’t drink enough water, your kidneys stop functioning properly.
For some people, drinking lots of water per day seems to be difficult. In case you can’t drink more than 8 glasses of water per day, you should drink other kinds of fluids, such as juices. You can even add lemon to the water. This improves the taste and offers even more benefits.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Last but not the least, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a wide range of health problems. You need to make sure you don’t sit for extended periods in a day. Besides affecting your general health, a sedentary lifestyle has a major impact on the functioning of your kidneys. It can deteriorate your health and lead to several serious health problems. 
Lack of physical activity also causes a wide range of kidney problems. With some subtle changes to your lifestyle, you can avoid many different health problems, especially urinary tract infections.
For instance, you should take a walk every morning or take the stairs instead of taking the elevator. You should be creative and add some new things to your daily routine. In simple terms, you need to make sure there’s no excess pressure on the kidneys.
Once again, you should drink lots of water and make sure your body is properly hydrated. Last but not the least, you should consult a medical professional before bringing any changes to your diet. It makes sure you introduce changes to your body in a healthy and subtle manner.

