
How To Avoid Getting Shingles

Shingles is a painful viral infection that causes a very serious rash.The shingles is caused by a varicella-zoster virus,the most common place they appear is as a strip of blisters wrapping around the left or right side of the torso.this is the same virus which causes chickenpox. Once you have had the chickenpox, that virus will lie dormant in nerve tissues near the brain and spinal cord.
You can follwer these ways avoid getting shingles, shorten a shingles infection, or lessen the chance of further complications.
Getting the Chickenpox Vaccine  
Since the shingles virus occurs in those who have already had the chickenpox virus, one of the ways to avoid getting shingles is getting the chickenpox vaccine. The varicella vaccine has been long used to prevent children from getting the chickenpox, and has been used to help adults from getting the shingles if they were never diagnosed earlier with the chickenpox. The vaccine is not a 100% guarantee against getting the shingles, however, it has been shown to dramatically reduce the severity of the virus if you are infected.
Getting the Shingles Vaccine
The shingles vaccine is known as the varicella-zoster vaccine, and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to help in the fight to prevent shingles virus. This vaccine however is recommended only for adults who are age 60 or older regardless if they have already had the shingles virus or not. According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, no one under the age of 60 should be getting the shingles vaccine. This is a live vaccine that is given as a single injection in the upper arm. Some of the minor side effects after getting the vaccine range from a small temporary rash, headaches, itching, tenderness, and redness of the injected area. This vaccine is used as a prevention strategy, and because the vaccine contains live virus, it shouldn’t be given to those who have weakened immune systems.
Eat Better
To understand how eating better can put you in a position to avoid getting the shingles virus, you have to know what a poor diet is doing to your system as a whole. When you are eating a diet that is low in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, it can have a negative impact on your immune system. A weakened immune system means you are more susceptible to certain diseases and viruses. One of the viruses that you open yourself up to is the shingles virus, because the poor food choices that you have made are not allowing the defense system in your body to work effectively. If you want to lessen the chances of getting the virus, you have to focus on consuming foods that are low in fat. Work at introducing more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits into your diet, it will give your entire immune system a huge positive boost.
Expert of shingles Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics reminder Speak with your doctor about changes to your exercise regimen, eating habits, or types of medications you may already be on. If you have not yet had the chickenpox, getting the varicella vaccine is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t develop shingles.

