
How To Invest In Distributed Solar Power Systems To Get Better Profits In China?

2017.3 China's National Energy BoardAnnounced :In the future, the residual power of the distributed solar power canbe sold not only to the grid but also to the nearest user in the distribution network. The new policy makes the user part of the electricity sales increasedby about 0.1 yuan.
Because of this kind of market-orientedtransaction,  more and more investorspoured into the field of distribution of solar power projects investment.Thereare indications that the parties have been gearing up into the field ofdistributed solar power, this year will be the era of distributed solar poweroutbreak.
When investors want to vote for distributedsolar power projects, the first consideration is the question of money, how tofind a high power generation, high return on investment and reliable projects.
 Howto get faster, more accurate access to professional new energy resource data,is the investors can successfully open a new project basis.
In China, there is a free professional toolfor the assessment of solar energy and wind energy resources. It mainly helpsthe investors to understand the information such as geography, meteorology,resources, electric field, equipment, grid connection and power supply for thenew energy development and investors. To solar power, wind power system powergeneration efficiency, and ultimately complete the return on investmentaccounting.
Problems and Solutions of Distributed solarPower System Investment:
1.      Roof distributed photovoltaic systemis not safe? Will there be any risk of construction?
At present, distributed solar power generation system hasbeen developed for several years, already has a very mature market experience.Design and technology is also very safe and reasonable.According to thedifferent building environment to design the installation program.The commonconcrete roof, villa glazed tiles oblique roof, or the roof of the factorycolor steel tile roof, are available to build a distributed solarpower.
2.      Whether the state subsidy willbe canceled?
On the issue of subsidies, the state for the self-use modesubsidy 0.42 yuan / degree period is 20 years,From the completion of solarpower generation systemthe next 20 years are to receive 0.42 yuan electricity subsidies; ifsome day to cancel the subsidies, the previous construction of the solar powerstation Are not affected. It's the golden opportunity to invest in solar powerplants.
3.      What kind of solar cable selection
One common factor for most of the solar power systems isoutdoor use solar cable, characterized by high temperatures and high UV radiation. DCstring cables must be class II double insulated to protect against shortcircuits and ground faults.

