
Do Not Sleeping Near Your Cell-Phone

If you are sleeping with your phone under your pillow , you are like most of cell phone owners 
who need to have their mobile devices close at hand. The reasons for this are numerous, falling
asleep while waiting for a call or text, using as an alarm clock, fear of missing a text message 
from someone we care about, or waiting for someone to post on their social media profile page.
Many people head off to bed with the best of intentions, the simple truth is that we use to 
keeping our cell-phone turned and near us while we try to sleep .That can be hazardous to our 
health. Sleeping near our cell-phone can even lead to danger. Consider these harms of 
sleeping near our cell-phone.
Setting Your Room on Fire 
 Although you might not believe it at first, your cell-phone has enough power to spark and cause 
a fire very easily. If you are sleeping with the mobile device under your pillow, a spark could 
easily ignite those dry materials and start a fire right under your nose. If this seems highly 
unlikely, Think about Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosion,If you was sleeping with the mobile 
device under your pillow ,the end result was it sparked and set your pillow on fire while you 
slept. If the phone is near flammable materials, a fire could ignite quite easily while you are 
sound asleep.
Derailing Brain Functions
Although you might think that you are getting the right amount of sleep each night, your brain 
was interrupted many times during the night from the radiation emitted from the cell-phone.
The brain needs to go through several sleep cycles at night to help you to recharge and feel 
fresh the next day. When the blue light and all the noises associated with a cell-phone
interrupt your sleep, you are in fact derailing the activity of the brain. Studies have been 
conducted with healthy test subjects who were exposed to Wi-Fi radiation for only 45 
minutes, and they experience a significant decrease in energy levels compared to those who 
slept the night away without a cell-phone nearby. Invest in a small alarm clock and turn off 
your sell-phone at night so you have zero interruptions. You will awaken each morning more 
Small Traces of Radiation
Excessive contact with a cell-phone can lead to cancer, it is already a proven fact that your 
cell-phone is emitting very small amounts of electromagnetic radiation while turned on. 
Although studies are inconclusive about the long-term health risks associated with the 
radiation, these are the same emitted from microwaves and X-ray machines at the hospitals. 
Even though the health risks are not 100% conclusive, the World Health Organization 
released a study that showed that cell-phones can be dangerous to children because their 
skulls are much thinner than that of an adult. Leaving the phone next to their head while they 
sleep at night is allowing those small trace amounts of radiation to easily access their skulls, 
although the possible risks are still uncertain. Better to be safe and turn off the device than to
find out later in life that excessive radiation exposure caused health issues.
Reduction in a Sound Sleep
One of the challenges of having a turned on mobile device near you while sleeping is the 
slightest sounds can interrupt your sleeping pattern. In order for you to feel refreshed and 
rejuvenated each day, you need to get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. When the mobile 
device is on next to you at night, you get awoken each time you receive an email, a text 
message, a chat request, a phone call, or when the phone is updating or downloading security 
features. Additionally, your cell-phone is emitting what is called blue light at night. The blue 
light has been shown in studies to inhibit the bodies ability to produce melatonin, disrupting 
the circadian rhythms. These wavelengths emitted by your phone are similar to sunlight, so 
the body simply thinks during the evening that it is daytime instead. 
Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics reminds :The best thing you can do is turn off mobile devices before bed to allow your body 
to wind down and get the appropriate amount of rest.


How To Avoid Getting Shingles

Shingles is a painful viral infection that causes a very serious rash.The shingles is caused by a varicella-zoster virus,the most common place they appear is as a strip of blisters wrapping around the left or right side of the torso.this is the same virus which causes chickenpox. Once you have had the chickenpox, that virus will lie dormant in nerve tissues near the brain and spinal cord.
You can follwer these ways avoid getting shingles, shorten a shingles infection, or lessen the chance of further complications.
Getting the Chickenpox Vaccine  
Since the shingles virus occurs in those who have already had the chickenpox virus, one of the ways to avoid getting shingles is getting the chickenpox vaccine. The varicella vaccine has been long used to prevent children from getting the chickenpox, and has been used to help adults from getting the shingles if they were never diagnosed earlier with the chickenpox. The vaccine is not a 100% guarantee against getting the shingles, however, it has been shown to dramatically reduce the severity of the virus if you are infected.
Getting the Shingles Vaccine
The shingles vaccine is known as the varicella-zoster vaccine, and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to help in the fight to prevent shingles virus. This vaccine however is recommended only for adults who are age 60 or older regardless if they have already had the shingles virus or not. According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, no one under the age of 60 should be getting the shingles vaccine. This is a live vaccine that is given as a single injection in the upper arm. Some of the minor side effects after getting the vaccine range from a small temporary rash, headaches, itching, tenderness, and redness of the injected area. This vaccine is used as a prevention strategy, and because the vaccine contains live virus, it shouldn’t be given to those who have weakened immune systems.
Eat Better
To understand how eating better can put you in a position to avoid getting the shingles virus, you have to know what a poor diet is doing to your system as a whole. When you are eating a diet that is low in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, it can have a negative impact on your immune system. A weakened immune system means you are more susceptible to certain diseases and viruses. One of the viruses that you open yourself up to is the shingles virus, because the poor food choices that you have made are not allowing the defense system in your body to work effectively. If you want to lessen the chances of getting the virus, you have to focus on consuming foods that are low in fat. Work at introducing more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits into your diet, it will give your entire immune system a huge positive boost.
Expert of shingles Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics reminder Speak with your doctor about changes to your exercise regimen, eating habits, or types of medications you may already be on. If you have not yet had the chickenpox, getting the varicella vaccine is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t develop shingles.


xiaoanceng: Myths Of Healthy Eating We Most Likely Believe

xiaoanceng: Myths Of Healthy Eating We Most Likely Believe: We  have probably been  believing in wrong facts and information specifically when it comes to healthy eating. It is about time we discover ...


Myths Of Healthy Eating We Most Likely Believe

We have probably been believing in wrong facts and information specifically when it comes to healthy eating.It is about time we discover the truth about certain things. Now,Let's list the biggest myths of healthy eating we mostly like believe.
Eating Fat Can Lead To Weight Gain is the biggest Myths of healthy eating.
When people hear the word fat, they always relate it to something that causes weight gain or anything heavy and puffy. With this, people believe that eating fat or following a diet rich in fat can make you fat. This is definitely not the case. It is important for people to realize that eating fat does not cause weight gain. In fact, there have been studies showing the relationship between weight loss and fat.According to them, diets that are rich in fat can promote weight loss compared to those that are low in fat content. The studies also show that high-fat diet can increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. They can lower the levels of insulin and blood sugar at the same time. This may result to more abdominal fat loss. Did you know that the main cause of weight gain and all the chronic diseases related to it is too much consumption of sugar, specifically fructose?
Milk Is Healthy For Everyone is another Myth of healthy eating
Generally, milk can offer health benefits. However, milk that has undergone pasteurization is not a healthy option at all. Remember that when milk is pasteurized, its physical structure is modified. This change in physical structure can cause immune problems and allergies. During the pasteurization process, essential milk enzymes are destroyed. Apart from this, vitamins A and C are diminished. Moreover, the fragile proteins in milk are converted into unnatural amino acids that may affect your health in a negative way.
We mostly like believe that Everyone Should Eat Whole Grains,but it's just a Myth of healthy eating.
Copious health-related articles you can find online would say that whole grains are healthy for everyone. However, this is not actually the case. As a matter of fact, eating whole grains can increase the levels of insulin in the body, elevating the risk of disease. On the other hand, whole grains contain gluten. People who are allergic to gluten may suffer from different signs and symptoms such as severe skin rashes and digestive problems. People with Celiac disease should never include whole grains in their diet. This autoimmune disease is caused by gliadin, a particular gluten protein found in whole grains.

Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics Co.,Ltd's warm tips: Many people are victims of widespread misconceptions. If someone tells you a specific healthy eating information, make sure you do necessary research and investigation before believing it. When it comes to your health in general, you should always be cautious in everything you do and believe in. As much as possible, seek the help of an expert if you are into healthy eating or following a particular diet program.


This habit will kill your kidney

Kidneys are considered to be one of the most important organs in the human body. They are an effective, sophisticated and amazing purification mechanism that work 24 hours to make sure you are fine. Having healthy kidneys are essential for our overall well-being. Therefore, it is very important to keep them in shape, and make sure their condition does not deteriorate over time.
In order to prevent problems, you need to have a better understanding of various habits that could harm your kidneys. Unfortunately there are many that lots of us have without even being aware. This eventually leads to the poor functioning of kidneys and cause various health problems.
In this article we discuss 6 habits that damage your kidneys. Make sure to review them carefully and if it happens that you have one of them, try your best to get rid of it to keep these two tiny hard-working organs of yours healthy.
1. Delaying going to a toilet
Holding your urine in the bladder is considered to be a very bad idea. According to healthcare experts, a full bladder can cause unnecessary damage to your kidneys. When you hold urine in the bladder, it multiplies bacteria quickly. Once urine refluxes back to the kidneys and ureter, toxic substances lead to different kinds of kidney infections, urinary infections, uremia and nephritis. When you need to relieve yourself, you should not hold yourself back.
Almost every person has done this once. A person may hold back his urge to go to the bathroom because of various factors. It may be inaccessibility to a bathroom or being busy with work. However, there is a limit to how long you should hold back the urine in your bladder.
Besides health problems, when there is excess of urine in the bladder, you may experience a wide range of complications related to the the urinary tract. One major problem is hypertrophies. In this condition, there is an increase in the amount of pressure placed on your kidneys. In addition to this, you may come across other health problems. Thus, you should never ignore a call of nature.
2. Eating too much salt
According to healthcare experts, you should not eat excess salt. Anything more than 5.8 grams on a daily basis is considered excess. Salt is the primary source of sodium. Most people wonder why salt or sodium is harmful.
The main reason is that sodium makes your kidneys work harder. When there is excess sodium in the bloodstream, your body needs to excrete it. This causes stress on the kidneys and leads to a wide range of health problems. Thus, it is recommended to eliminate or reduce salt from the meals.
3. Eating too much meat
A lot of protein in the diet is also considered to be harmful for the kidneys. Protein digestion can produce ammonia, which is a dangerous toxin. It can be destructive to the kidneys. When you consume more meat, your chances of damaging the kidneys increase significantly.
It is worth mentioning that animal protein is also harmful to the kidneys. In fact, other foods high in fat content are also considered to be dangerous. When you consume a lot of animal fat, your kidneys are unable to function properly. Excess animal fat prevents your kidneys from filtering the blood. You should try to limit your intake of animal protein or substitute it with vegetable proteins.
4. Carbonated Beverages
All kinds of carbonated beverages are considered to be harmful for your overall health. These days, a lot of people consume carbonated drinks. This has been leading to a wide range of kidney related health problems. According to healthcare experts, it is recommended to avoid carbonated beverages or limit their intake in your diet. In the long run, these beverages lead to kidney stones or chronic problems.
In fact, carbonated beverages, such as soft drinks, also contain other harmful substances that deteriorate your overall health. These substances cause problems in the liver, pancreas and even overall immunity of the body.
Not drinking enough water
It is important to understand that your kidneys should always be hydrated properly. In order to perform well, you need to make sure your kidneys remain in good condition. When you don’t drink enough water, toxins may be accumulated in the blood. Since there won’t be enough fluid to drain toxins through kidneys, it may cause problems in the urinary tract.
According to medical professionals, you should drink more than 8 glasses of water per day. It’s quite easy to check if your water intake is appropriate. You should check the color of the urine while relieving yourself. It’s better if the color is lighter.
A lot of people already understand the importance of appropriate water intake. However, they still overlook it and don’t drink enough water. In the long run, lack of water in your body can cause a wide range of kidney related health problems. The primary function of kidneys is to drain unwanted metabolic waste from the body. This balances the number of RBCs in the body. If you don’t drink enough water, your kidneys stop functioning properly.
For some people, drinking lots of water per day seems to be difficult. In case you can’t drink more than 8 glasses of water per day, you should drink other kinds of fluids, such as juices. You can even add lemon to the water. This improves the taste and offers even more benefits.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Last but not the least, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a wide range of health problems. You need to make sure you don’t sit for extended periods in a day. Besides affecting your general health, a sedentary lifestyle has a major impact on the functioning of your kidneys. It can deteriorate your health and lead to several serious health problems. 
Lack of physical activity also causes a wide range of kidney problems. With some subtle changes to your lifestyle, you can avoid many different health problems, especially urinary tract infections.
For instance, you should take a walk every morning or take the stairs instead of taking the elevator. You should be creative and add some new things to your daily routine. In simple terms, you need to make sure there’s no excess pressure on the kidneys.
Once again, you should drink lots of water and make sure your body is properly hydrated. Last but not the least, you should consult a medical professional before bringing any changes to your diet. It makes sure you introduce changes to your body in a healthy and subtle manner.


How To Invest In Distributed Solar Power Systems To Get Better Profits In China?

2017.3 China's National Energy BoardAnnounced :In the future, the residual power of the distributed solar power canbe sold not only to the grid but also to the nearest user in the distribution network. The new policy makes the user part of the electricity sales increasedby about 0.1 yuan.
Because of this kind of market-orientedtransaction,  more and more investorspoured into the field of distribution of solar power projects investment.Thereare indications that the parties have been gearing up into the field ofdistributed solar power, this year will be the era of distributed solar poweroutbreak.
When investors want to vote for distributedsolar power projects, the first consideration is the question of money, how tofind a high power generation, high return on investment and reliable projects.
 Howto get faster, more accurate access to professional new energy resource data,is the investors can successfully open a new project basis.
In China, there is a free professional toolfor the assessment of solar energy and wind energy resources. It mainly helpsthe investors to understand the information such as geography, meteorology,resources, electric field, equipment, grid connection and power supply for thenew energy development and investors. To solar power, wind power system powergeneration efficiency, and ultimately complete the return on investmentaccounting.
Problems and Solutions of Distributed solarPower System Investment:
1.      Roof distributed photovoltaic systemis not safe? Will there be any risk of construction?
At present, distributed solar power generation system hasbeen developed for several years, already has a very mature market experience.Design and technology is also very safe and reasonable.According to thedifferent building environment to design the installation program.The commonconcrete roof, villa glazed tiles oblique roof, or the roof of the factorycolor steel tile roof, are available to build a distributed solarpower.
2.      Whether the state subsidy willbe canceled?
On the issue of subsidies, the state for the self-use modesubsidy 0.42 yuan / degree period is 20 years,From the completion of solarpower generation systemthe next 20 years are to receive 0.42 yuan electricity subsidies; ifsome day to cancel the subsidies, the previous construction of the solar powerstation Are not affected. It's the golden opportunity to invest in solar powerplants.
3.      What kind of solar cable selection
One common factor for most of the solar power systems isoutdoor use solar cable, characterized by high temperatures and high UV radiation. DCstring cables must be class II double insulated to protect against shortcircuits and ground faults.



Want to be admitted to Stanford University? Look at this guy is how to do it!

Ziad Ahmed
When Ziad Ahmed was asked on his Stanford University application “What matters to you, and why?”, his answer was clear.
He wrote: “BlackLivesMatter”, repeating the hashtag exactly 100 times to highlight the excessive use of police force which disproportionately kills black men and women.
The Muslim senior high school student in New Jersey has since been accepted to the prestigious University.
“Everyone who received your application was inspired by your passion, determination, accomplishments, and heart,” the acceptance letter read.
It added: “You are, quite simply, a fantastic march with Stanford. You will bring something original and extraordinary to our campus – a place where you can learn, grow, and thrive.”
Mr Ahmed told MIC that he was “stunned” to be accepted.“I didn’t think I would get admitted to Stanford at all, but it’s quite refreshing to see that they view my unapologetic activism as an asset rather than a liability,” he said.I submitted this answer in my Stanford application yesterday, I was admitted...
He posted a screen shot of his application and the acceptance letter on Twitter over the weekend.
The post has since been shared and liked thousands of times, including by police reform group Campaign Zero and its founders.
He has also been accepted to Yale University and Princeton University, and must decide which school to attend by 1 May.

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The third New Area of China

    China has announced the establishment of the Xiong’an New Area in Hebei Province. Xiongan New Area is another New Area of national significance after the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area, according to the State Council.
    About Shenzhen Special Economic Zone:
Established in 1980, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was the first special economic zone in China.Shenzhen Special Economic Zone establishment was part of Deng Xiaoping’s drive to open up China to the rest of the world and consolidate China’s place as a major economic player on the global stage.It has been oriented to develop as the National Reform Testing District, a national center for the economic development and innovation.The total exports from  Shenzhen Special Economic Zone , for 24 consecutive years, have topped those of cities on the Chinese mainland.
    Shanghai Pudong New Area:Established in 1993,  Shanghai Pudong New Areais now the second biggest administrative region of Shanghai. As a part of the national strategy,  Shanghai Pudong New Areahas seen significant improvements in the past 24 years, becoming the engine of economic and social development for Shanghai. It’s now home to the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone and the Shanghai Stock Exchange and many of Shanghai’s well-known buildings. Shanghai Pudong New Area is the core area of Shanghai’s four international centers of economy, finance, trade and shipping. It’s the pioneer district of scientific development, the test zone of China’s comprehensive reform and an open and harmonious ecological zone.
     Xiongan New Area ,The third New Area of China:
Established on April 1st, 2017,  Xiongan's New Areapurpose is to explore a new model of optimized development in densely-populated areas. It will span the counties of Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin, which are at the center of the triangular area formed by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei’s provincial capital Shijiazhuang. Xiongan's establishment is part of the measures to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. It will help phase out some economic management and service functions from Beijing. It also marks China’s efforts to solve problems facing big cities, like traffic jams and heavy smog.
Xiongan New Area aims to develop into a green, ecological and livable area, a leading innovation-driven development area, and a demonstration zone for coordinated and innovative development.
Xiongan New Area
Xiongan New Area


Would you believe that the length of your fingers in relation to one another can predict your personality?


Take a look at your fingers.Would you believe me if I told you that the length of your fingers in relation to one another can predict your personality? I know that it sounds like one of those hokey tests you see on Facebook, but I have to admit that it was spot-on for me.
Here’s how it works:
Look at your three middle fingers of your left hand. Is your index finger longer than your ring finger? Is your ring finger long than your index finger? Or are the two the same height? Find the scenario that best matches your hand and see if what follows is an accurate description of your personality.
1.Longer ring finger: The Sweet Talker
If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, researchers shows that you’re likely a charming type, and you can probably talk yourself out of any situation. Others often find this personality type irresistible and will go to great lengths to help you. You’re more likely to take risks, and you’re good at problem-solving. People in this category make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers.
2.Longer index finger: The Confident One
If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, chances are you are full of confidence — possibly even to the point of being over-confident and arrogant. You are not necessarily introverted, but you do enjoy time to yourself, especially when you’re trying to complete a project. You are a goal-oriented go-getter who can make things happen, but you may be shy when it comes to taking the first step in a relationship. You are also probably happy with what you have, but you’re always wishing for more.
3.Index and ring finger are the same length: The Peacemaker
If your index finger and ring fingers are roughly the same length, you are likely to avoid conflict at all costs and seek to keep the peace in your relationships. You are well-organized, faithful and compassionate. But deep down under all of that caring and peace-loving, you also have a fiery core that can lash out unexpectedly when you’re pushed too far.
How well did these descriptions match your personality? I was surprised at the accuracy in my case 。


COme and See It.Which kind of TV series is Chinese favorite!

In The Name Of People
    Chinese anti-graft TV drama In the Name of People became TV's champion  after its first episode on 03-31-2017.
    The ratings for the show may have even reached as high as 3.91 percent, which was more than twice the viewership numbers earned by the live broadcast of the World Cup qualifiers (1.45) featuring the Chinese national team going head-to-head against Iran's soccer team.
    The show also had a good showing on Chinese streaming platforms.The first two episodes (the second episode became available on Wednesday) had nearly 19.7 million views on Tencent and more than 12 million views on iQiyi as of noon on Thursday.The show currently holds a 9.0/10 on Chinese media review site Douban.
    "There are two aspects about In the Name of People to which we should pay attention. First, the cast includes a number of veteran and skilled actors, which during a time when pop stars dominate TV and movie screens - is notable. Second, shooting an anti-corruption show featuring serious political themes under the current censorship system is like trying to dance wrapped in chains. Therefore it is much more difficult to create an excellent show than it is for other genres," netizen Zts wrote in a review on Douban.
    Produced with the support of the TV and Film Production Center under the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, In the Name of People comes at a time when the Chinese central government has increased its anti-corruption efforts.The show is based on the novel of the same name by Chinese writer Zhou Meisen, who was also scriptwriter for the series.

author by:  xiaoanceng

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Some things you do not know about mobile phone use

    Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosion caused a comprehensive recovery, so that the public once again concerned about the issue of mobile phone fork, and the phone burned even the battery explosion of the news, it is not uncommon. What is the most secure mobile phone point, what is the correct charging attitude? The following to share with you 5-style mobile phone wake-up tips, we can use the security and rest assured with those tips!
1.Be careful of aging the battery
    Mobile phone and battery are generally equipped with safety devices, which to avoid the battery inside and outside the intersection of the most important device, if the phone line short circuit, the battery safety device can also be intercepted in time, but if the battery itself is also a failure, May cause an explosion. With the mechanical and battery aging, the risk of accidents also increased, so users should pay attention to whether the battery has swollen, or whether the metal contact surface color change signs of aging.
2.Avoid calling and filling
    When the phone through the instantaneous current will be larger, the battery frequent charge and discharge, leading to long-term overload of lithium batteries, heat naturally increased. So we should be unplugged when the phone should be unplugged, even if the unfortunate explosion, it will not wounded pro.In addition, to develop the habit of carrying the right hand with the phone, because the left hand closer to the heart than the right hand, leakage when the left hand will increase the risk of casualties.
3.Reduce computer charging
    I believe we have tried to connect the phone to the computer charging.But in fact, even more harm than good, mobile phone standby but the computer continues to operate, the latter from time to time to read and write hard drives and USB port, this will USB power output caused by great fluctuations and reduce battery life.In addition, the USB specification under the fixed voltage of 5V, current 500mA, but with the mobile phone battery capacity increases, many mobile phone charger current rating of 2,000mA or even more than 4,000mA, so the computer USB charging, charging time not only significantly extended, Computer USB interface will be a long time in the overload state, increased heat, the computer and mobile phone components damage.
4.Avoid alternating use
    Do not use the computer to charge.Basically, the use of high-current output of the USB cable for charging the electronic device, the problem is not large, but if the device needs more than the charger to provide, for example, to 1,000mA input phone, but connected to only 300 to 500mA USB charger , Then the charger will be overworked, the phone's internal protection lines, more opportunities for the current reading does not match the automatic cut off the power supply, resulting in mobile phone charge to 99% stop or broken.So it is important to choose a suitable USB charger for your phone.
5.Do not short-circuit yourself
    The quality of the charging cable will also affect the safety, if the metal part of the exposed, the current is not up to the phone has been leakage, the user contact at the same time under the foot, it will form a complete circuit led to electric shock, so if the wire is damaged, it must be replaced immediately.In addition, in the USB pin definition, VCC (+) and Ground (-) is responsible for power supply, D + and D is responsible for data transmission purposes, if D + and D- short circuit, the phone will be determined to get AC mode Fast fork. Some people will DIY to weld two cables together , However, if the welding fails, mistakenly charge the pin short circuit, it will cause danger.As for how to choose a good charging line, because most of the wire is not marked specifications, in addition to the price, the easiest way is to use rough to identify the thicker lines wrapped in wire covered with insulating rubber and ground isolation network of high chances, Security is more secure!
As for how to choose a good USB charger and USB cable, because most of the wire is not marked specifications, in addition to the price, the easiest way is to use rough to identify the thicker lines wrapped in wire covered with insulating rubber and ground isolation network of high chances, Security is more secure!
    Here I will  recommend some safe and reliable USB charger and USB cable produce by Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics Co.,Ltd., I suggest you to choose them,Because they are Specialized  in AC power cord, USB cable, solar cable, cigar cable,car charger, DC-DC converter, power adapter, HDMI cable,SD cabloe etc,.
 USB cable
USB cable

USB cable,car cable,computer cable,hdmi cable
Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics Co.,Ltd.