
Artificial intelligence robots will challenge the Chinese college entrance examination volume

Artificial intelligence robots will challenge the Chinese college entrance examination volume
    The world's attention of the Ke jie challenge AlphaGo, the final Google AlphaGo with a 3-0 victory. How will artificial intelligence robots do college entrance exams?
    This month on the 7th, 2017 Chinese college entrance examination will be held, 5 o'clock in the afternoon, in Chengdu will hold a special examination:Artificial intelligence robots challenges the Chinese college entrance examination volume.And this will be the first time by the robot test college entrance examination questions in China.
"The Examination room" is located in Chengdu Tianfu New Valley 10 Building, a conference room, then the answer is actually the answer to these servers. As candidates will be cut off with the outside world it just charger a power supply with power cord, these servers will be cut off the network connection by the notary And the media as a "examiner teacher." This special "college entrance examination" only set the math subjects, will be at 5 pm on the 7th, that is, after the end of the college entrance examination mathematics, will not affect the normal college entrance examination.
    At that time, if Artificial intelligence robots know all the answer of the exam, it will be about 20 minutes a set of speed to answer, if it does not know the answer to the question, it will first skip these questions, , And then return to fight for the remaining problems, until the answer to the answer or the end of the examination time.
As artificial intelligence,What is the difference between China exam root  and Google AlphaGo?
    AlphaGo specializing in go, the exam root specializing in mathematics. R & D chess robot, with computer language description Go rules are relatively easy, it is difficult to let the system in a very short period of time to calculate each time after dozens of steps or even hundreds of different steps. The development of college entrance examination robot is the biggest difficulty lies, first of all to let the system accurately understand the human language, behind the steps to do the problem but not much. The human language of the ever-changing, but also continue to innovate, almost endless learning. Encounter no learning words, humans will contact the context to speculate on the meaning, guess is relatively easy thing; and the robot will be stuck.
    However, although the artificial intelligence in computing, reasoning, storage and other aspects of the ability to have super, but the breakthrough is to have a self-depth learning, self-optimization.
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