
Opened the mystery of North Korea.


    North Korea has long been one of the world’s most mysterious domains. A communist nation with a closed-door policy against outsiders. 
What is the nature of North Korean society today ?
    In state propaganda, the Kim personality cult, the anti-Japanese struggles of the 1930s and the Korean War of the 1950s (which North Korea insists was started by the South) are central to national identity and explain why the state sinks so many resources into its military. Communism was officially struck from the Constitution in 2009; today the state's characteristics lean more towards fascism: intense nationalism, socialism and a "military-first" policy.
    As Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics know : traveliing to the North Korea,As a tourist there’s absolutely no way to be alone in North Korea,you have two "tour guides" with you at all times.’You’re isolated from the rest of Pyongyang – isolated from any real, authentic, human contact with locals.As for taking photos,It's forbidden photographing soldiers, and, oddly, construction sites.The "tour guides" will keep telling you "Please, please – only photograph beautiful things. Other countries will try to use bad photos against us."
How do North Koreans live?

    If not members of the elite or the privileged military, poorly. The country is one of the world's most destitute, with the CIA estimating per capita GDP at US$1,900, meaning that many North Koreans survive at the subsistence level. With the state industrial sector largely idle, many citizens reportedly rely on state asset stripping, hoarding, trading and personal farm plots to survive. Amid economically booming Northeast Asia, North Korea is, literally, a black hole: At night, due to power failures, the lights go out.

Article Source:Shenzhen Kuncan Electronics Co.,Ltd.

